COBRA -Challenges from the Changes in the American Rescue Plan Act and More – New Free Webinar

March 26, 2021 · Print This Article

Attorney Howard Lapin and I conductied a new free webinar reviewing the challenges in offering COBRA as a result of the changes in the American Rescue Plan Act and the extensions of the COBRA deadlines under the National Emergency on March 25 at 1 PM CDT.

The new COBRA Premium Assistance has to be offered on April 1, 2021. Will you be ready?

The Webinar is 60 minutes in length.

The following questions were covered:

-Who is eligible for the new COBRA Premium Assistance under the American Rescue Act?

-What COBRA Premium Assistance has to be provided?

-Will employers have to give former employees the opportunity to either enroll or reenroll in COBRA?

-When will the changes be effective?

-What notices have to be provided and when?

-How does the new COBRA Premium Assistance coordinate with the extension of the COBRA deadlines under the National Emergency?

This Webinar  includes a substantial question and answer period.


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